In dealing with organizations, businesses and corporations, issues arise in defeating, limiting or blocking choice—choice being the chief causal agent to optimize success. These issues can involve disputes that are emotionally ego-based and not an appropriate part of the choosing process. A neutral third party can intervene to bring the group back to focusing on the choices at hand and revitalize a stalled negotiation. Breaking the ego lock is always a balancing act. When human nature hits the process, we can drop down to our lowest common denominator. Having a neutral third party intervene to bring the negotiators back to a higher form of reasoning is the most efficient and productive way to process anything. We are all very human; and much like digging trenches in a war zone when we become afraid, we stake out our ground. Having someone wave a white flag can resume a failing negotiation and gets everyone involved to understand what is really going on, because when the intensity hits, not much is understood except for the fear that everyone is feeling but will not admit to. In most of these situations an understanding of an agreement to disagree is not in place. Without this implemented, there can be no consecutive progress toward resolution. With understanding, a failing negotiation can be turned around.  

There are critical stages of development in all business endeavors. A mentor who understands these patterns can present information about why an issue is coming up now. All businesses have a personality like a living individual. All the stages that come up for people around success and perceived failure are the same for businesses. (A new profession on the horizon is corporate psychology: hiring a counselor to be present in the boardroom). They are so similar that they are predictable in the same way. A mentor sometimes does not need to hear all of what is going on. They will listen to verify an assumption. But if they know the cycles, they can predict what will be coming up and when. They already know. What appears to be a major issue is just part of the evolutionary package. Having this explained can empower, because it is just a milestone on the road and not the end of everything. Most failures in this regard are the result of not seeing this and not being able to see beyond it. A set of decisions is made in the present without regard for the future when this is behind as an issue. As a result it ends unnecessarily where it's currently at. Even after this point, a mentor can sometimes resurrect and reverse the situation. This is also why it is a good idea to check in with a mentor, even when things are going great, because they can always be going better! It usually takes someone outside of our pattern to see where we are on our journey. This is true for businesses as well as people. It is a journey.   

So we can become lost or guided to discovering great fortune! Sometimes great fortunes as well as dangers can be pointed out to us that we cannot see right in front of us. This is not determined by what we are or are not looking at, but by how we are or are not looking at it! In most cases it's being too subjective or too objective. The lack of balance, or not being able to switch between these two realities, causes us to believe inaccurately that we are lost (or found) on our journey.  

Services I provide for corporations include:  

  • Being the person invited into the boardroom who provides a view that is actually outside the boardroom box  
  • Interpreting the viability of advertising and marketing campaigns   
  • Interpreting whether your sales team is selling at their optimum capacity or are there internal conflicts that may be limiting them achieving maximum sales  

Basically, I'm a one-person think tank: I've gone head to head with some major think tanks and this sounds kind of bizarre, but I've out-thought them! This has a lot to do with spontaneously being able to validate and verify research information that strategies are based on. I can tell really, really quickly that something doesn't make sense and is not viable, I can come up with a competing theory and strategy, and I can help implement it. There are two ways to do this: first of all I identify where the holes are in the existing strategy and second I explain how and where and why these holes exist and get all of the participants who might be emotionally connected to these procedures to approach the possibility that something new and different may be more effective.